[vox] Officer election season

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed Oct 21 20:00:48 PDT 2015

LUGOD is now accepting nominations for our four
elected officer positions.  LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit.
Our bylaws are here: http://lugod.org/objectives/bylaws.html
and constitution: http://lugod.org/objectives/constitution.html

If you're interested & willing to help run LUGOD, or have
someone you'd like to nominate for one of the positions,
please send an email to Andrew Roach, our current secretary,
at: typescript at lugod.org

  root (president)
  sys  (vice-president)
  /dev/null  (treasurer)
  typescript (secretary)

You can see our current officers here:
and past officers here:

Thanks in advance!

Sent from my computer

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