[vox] Liferay at Lugod tonight

Brian Lavender brian at brie.com
Mon Mar 17 09:46:30 PDT 2014

Introduction to Liferay Portal 6.2

Where: Davis Library
	East 14th Street
	Davis, CA 95616 

When: 7 - 9pm

Presented by:
Wilson Man, Principal Consultant
Liferay, Inc. 

A brief introduction of Liferay Portal, both as a product and as a
platform. We will examine where a portal naturally fits in within
an enterprise system and what it does. On top of that, we'll explore
what's new with our latest release (version 6.2), and what's in our
feature roadmap.

Liferay Portal is the leading open source portal for the enterprise,
offering content management, collaboration, and social out-of-the-box.

About the speaker:
Wilson Man graduated from UC Davis with a B.S. in Computer Science &
Engineering. He is now a principal consultant at Liferay, Inc. and has
been with Liferay for close to 9 years.

Brian Lavender

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