[vox] [fwd] Wed: Lecture on History of Media Authoring Software [Davis Makerspace, March 5th]
Bill Kendrick
nbs at sonic.net
Fri Feb 28 23:03:14 PST 2014
----- Forwarded message from Emily Schleiner <cordial.emily at gmail.com> -----
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 17:54:34 -0800
From: Emily Schleiner <cordial.emily at gmail.com>
Subject: [dms-discuss] Wed: Lecture on History of Media Authoring Software
To: Davis Makerspace General Discussions <discuss at davismakerspace.org>
Reply-To: Davis Makerspace General Discussions
<discuss at davismakerspace.org>
Lecture on History of Media Authoring Software
Lecture on History of Media Authoring Software
Wednesday, March 5, 2014 - 7:00pm
Long ago, far away, in a land called PARC...
Developers in the 1960's and 70's began piecing together what later became
authoring tools for manipulating images, video, sound and more. How and
why did they make certain choices? Learn about Allan Kay and the
backwards, sideways, and forwards steps through visual displays, object
oriented programming, and child psychology that he and his collaborators
made that ultimately lead to today's modern interfaces and concepts.
$5 suggested donation
Emily Schleiner
Davis Makerspace Discuss mailing list
Discuss at lists.davismakerspace.org
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