[vox] [OT] reffering sites

jimbo evesautomotive at wavecable.com
Fri Jan 11 12:27:34 PST 2013

Greetings ladies and gentlemen:

I have a hosting company host my web site:


Anyways, it has what you call CPanel.  It lets me see referring sites as 
well as logging/analyzing of traffic and a slew of other unrelated things. 
I check to see who is referring me and find a lot of UK sites doing this. 
So I go to these sites and find no link to mine, even in source code.  I 
have been denying these sites left and right but new ones keep coming.  I 
talked to my hosting company, inmotion hosting, and asked why this was 
happening but they didn't have an answer.  I chatted live with a  person 
which he/she said even the manager didn't know how this was happening.

So here I am asking this group.  I know that some of the smartest minds are 
within this group.  My main questions are why are these sites doing this and 
how are they doing it?

I understand that no one can know everything.  I am a mechanic for 25 years 
and although I know a lot I certainly don't know everything about cars. 
Maybe this is  why I got the answer that I did.  At least they didn't BS me.


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