[vox] Agenda for tonight's meeting
Brian Lavender
brian at brie.com
Mon Mar 19 15:25:00 PDT 2012
In case some of you are wondering what I will talk about tonight.
See attached. Hopefully the lists will allow the attachment to
come through. It is text.
Brian Lavender
"There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to
make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other
way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
Professor C. A. R. Hoare
The 1980 Turing award lecture
-------------- next part --------------
Attaining Critical Mass with Java EE6
Brian E. Lavender
March 19, 2012
Computer Scientist
CNSS 4011 and 4012
Critical Mass is the name of large bike gathering that notably started
in San Francisco where on the 4th friday bicyclists come out in mass
and take over the streets. The term comes from Ted White's movie titled
"The Scorcher" where he details his experience objserving cyclists in
1992 in China. He observed cyclists in China who would arrive at an
intersection. The cyclists would accumulate at the intersection unitl
enough gathered with a critical mass to ride through.
==Kick Start Demo==
Demo of taking a database and rolling up a web application using a reverse
engineering tools in Netbeans. Quick way to see some possibilities.
Java 6 or Java 7 JDK. OpenJDK is fine.
Application server: JBoss 7 or Glassfish 3.x
Maven and perhaps ant in some places.
IDE: Netbeans or Eclipse. Or, use a text editor of your choice, depending upon your religion.
==Interesting Books==
Beginning JSF? 2 APIs and JBoss? Seam
By: Kent Ka Iok Tong
This book uses CDI, but was written while CDI specification was still in development,
so you have to make minor changes to the examples, but the author covers some good cases.
Java EE 6 Development with NetBeans 7
David R. Heffelfinger
This book has a lot of great examples and easy to follow. There are a few skipped steps, but overall,
I think it provides good insight.
Eclipse Web Tools Platform: Developing Java? Web Applications
by Naci Dai, Lawrence Mandel, and Arthur Ryman
This book covers J2EE, but provides good insight on how a project is assembled. Has a good
case study and covers the Facade design pattern. Examples cover
==Interesting websites==
Getting Started Developing Applications Guide
The website has great examples for doing development using JBoss 7.1 and CDI.
JBoss Application Server Download
JBoss AS samples
What is a Bean?
The above document gives a good explanation of what a bean is and how this
puzzle fits together.
==Getting the stuff==
Java EE 6 download
This includes Glassfish. It also includes the Java EE 6 tutorial
Getting Eclipse
Netbeans Download
Get Maven 3
The Maven archetype
$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=jboss-javaee6-webapp \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.jboss.weld.archetypes -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.1.CR1 -DarchetypeRepository=central
HSQLdb and Derby
OpenOffice uses the hsql embedded data base
We will use a pom file to start a database. Can use the same jar file to connect to it in OpenOffice,
except that it runs in network server mode. Derby runs along a similar line. It is also known
as Java database.
Mysql module for JBoss AS
Add the module that creates a connection pool to Mysql database
Things to check before you get started
$ mvn -version
Should output version 3.x
$ java -version
Should report openjdk or Sun jdk, version 6 or higher
Simple web project
JBoss Quickstarts! No fricken XML configuration needed! Hello World!
JBoss Quickstart with EntityManager. Connect it to the database!
Using the example project from JBoss Tools!
New->Other->Examples->JBoss Tools->Project Examples
Java EE Web Project
Shop example
This example is code from the beginning JSF book. It shows the concept of a phase listener and blocking
access to a certain view until the user logs in!
Some EJB stuff.
The EJB3 tutorial shows some interesting stuff, but it's hard to see how to pull the pieces apart.
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