[vox] What is you opinion on having a Java EE talk for February?

Michael Wenk mjwenk at ucdavis.edu
Mon Mar 5 10:14:15 PST 2012

Speaking as a Java Web developer, I think that java works well in the
web.  However, I have yet to see a project that really needs something
like EJB.  A simple servlet container like tomcat or jetty coupled
with spring and optionally hibernate if you want a true ORM works
wonders.  For UI, I have used a ton of different frameworks, from JSF,
to Wicket to GWT, and I have come to the conclusion that for the most
part they all have enough wrong with them to make it unpleasant at
best to deal with.  If I had my choice, I would likely go with
something like jQuery and a JSR311 implementation, either CXF or
jersey for server side.


On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Brian Lavender <brian at brie.com> wrote:
> At last night's meeting, I mentioned I could do a Java Web talk for February.
> What do you guys think about a Java EE talk for March?
> It seems that many favor python. While I think Python is great, I think there
> is a lot of wonderful stuff going with Java as far as doing web applications
> and the ultra wide application stuff with REST, security, EJBs, etc that you
> can do today. Netbeans and Glassfish are doing a lot of great stuff. And now
> with Java EE, you can dump much of that XML configuration stuff so many
> loathed with J2EE.
> What is your take?
> brian
> --
> Brian Lavender
> http://www.brie.com/brian/
> "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to
> make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other
> way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
> Professor C. A. R. Hoare
> The 1980 Turing award lecture
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Michael Wenk
mjwenk at ucdavis.edu

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