[vox] [fwd] ACCU: Wednesday, December 12 - Chandler Carruth, "Clang & LLVM: C++ Compilers Still Matter"

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Mon Dec 10 11:32:20 PST 2012

This week at the Silicon Valley Chapter of the Association of C & C++ Users
meeting in Mountain View...


----- Forwarded message from Ali Cehreli <acehreli at gmail.com> -----

Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2012 21:59:43 -0800
From: Ali Cehreli <acehreli at gmail.com>
Subject: ACCU: Wednesday, December 12 - Chandler Carruth, "Clang & LLVM: C++
 Compilers Still Matter"
To: Ali Cehreli <acehreli at yahoo.com>
Reply-To: acehreli at yahoo.com

First, Robert Griesemer, our November speaker, has made the slides available at


Second, as usual, is the announcement for this month's talk:

When:      Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Topic:     Clang & LLVM: C++ Compilers Still Matter
Speaker:   Chandler Carruth
Time:      6:30pm doors open
           7:00pm meeting begins
Where:     Symantec
           VCAFE building
           350 Ellis Street (near E. Middlefield Road)
           Mountain View, CA 94043
Map:       <http://tinyurl.com/334rv5>
Directions: VCAFE is accessible from the semicircular courtyard
between Symantec buildings <http://tinyurl.com/2dccgc>
Cost:      Free

Compilers are among programmers' old-hat tools. We use them day-in,
and day-out, but often we don't pay them very much attention. They
take our source code, turn it into (hopefully efficient) executables
and libraries, and, for most programmers, that is where the
relationship ends. But all of that is changing. Today, programmers
need rich and powerful tools to deal with the complexities and
challenges of the modern C++ programming language and its ever larger
and faster-growing code bases.

I'm going to introduce you to a compiler which is changing the way
people think about compilers: Clang. What is Clang? What makes it
different from all the other C++ compilers out there? Why does it
matter? What can you do with Clang? What will you be able to do
because of Clang in the next year, the next lustrum, and the next
decade? I'll dive into all of these questions and more. At the end of
this talk, you will be familiar with Clang, you will want to use it
the next time you write C++ code, and hopefully you will think about
C++, both language and codebases, with a fundamentally different

Chandler Carruth leads the LLVM and Clang teams at Google, building
better compilers, diagnostics, tools, and more. Previously, he worked
on several pieces of Google's distributed build system. He makes guest
appearances helping to maintain a few core C++ libraries across
Google's codebase, and is active in the LLVM and Clang open source
communities. He received his M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from
Wake Forest University, but disavows all knowledge of the contents of
his Master's thesis. He is regularly found drinking Cherry Coke Zero
in the daytime and pontificating over a single malt scotch in the

Meetings are open to the public and are free of charge.

---- Upcoming ACCU talks -----

Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Jon Kalb
C++ Exception Safety


The ACCU meets monthly. Meetings are always open to the public and are
free of charge. To suggest topics and speakers please email Walter
Vannini via walterv at gbbservices.com

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