[vox] "Deep C"

Brian Lavender brian at brie.com
Wed Nov 2 14:01:05 PDT 2011

Why doesn't someone do a talk on Eiffel on Design by Contract? 

Deep C sounds like digging deeper into doo doo! I was listening to a
video (or was it a paper Dijkstra wrote) where he chastised programmers
for writing obscure code only to be proud of it and asking colleagues
"Guess what it does?!"

On Wed, Nov 02, 2011 at 01:19:58PM -0700, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> FYI!
> -bill!
> ----- Forwarded message from Ali Cehreli <acehreli at gmail.com> -----
> Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 13:12:24 -0700
> From: Ali Cehreli <acehreli at gmail.com>
> Subject: ACCU: Wednesday, November 9 - Olve Maudal, "Deep C"
> To: acehreli at yahoo.com
> Reply-To: acehreli at yahoo.com
> When:      Wednesday, November 9, 2011
> Topic:     Deep C
> Speaker:   Olve Maudal
> Time:      6:30pm doors open
>          7:00pm meeting begins
> Where:     Symantec
>          VCAFE building
>          350 Ellis Street (near E. Middlefield Road)
>          Mountain View, CA 94043
> Map:       <http://tinyurl.com/334rv5>
> Directions: VCAFE is accessible from the semicircular courtyard
> between Symantec buildings <http://tinyurl.com/2dccgc>
> Cost:      Free
> More Info: <http://www.accu-usa.org>
> Programming is hard. Programming correct C and C++ is particularly
> hard. Indeed, both in C and certainly in C++, it is uncommon to see a
> screenful containing only well defined and conforming code. Why do
> professional programmers write code like this? Because most
> programmers do not have a deep understanding of the language they are
> using. While they sometimes know that certain things are undefined or
> unspecified, they often do not know why it is so.
> In this presentation we will study small code snippets in C and C++,
> and use them to discuss the fundamental building blocks, limitations
> and underlying design philosophies of these wonderful but dangerous
> programming languages.
> Olve Maudal works for Cisco Systems. He loves to write code, but is
> just as interested in how software is developed as what it actually
> does. He is currently involved in developing telepresence systems.
> Previous experience includes developing systems for finding oil
> (Schlumberger), and developing systems for electronically moving money
> (BBS).
> Olve is an active member of the vibrant geek community in Oslo where
> he is involved in JavaPils, Cantara, XP Meetup, Oslo C++ Users Group,
> Lean Meetup and a few other things. He is also an active member of
> ACCU in Europe. You can follow him at http://olvemaudal.wordpress.com
> and http://twitter.com/olvemaudal
> Meetings are open to the public and are free of charge.
> ---------
> The ACCU meets monthly. Meetings are always open to the public and are
> free of charge. To suggest topics and speakers please email Walter
> Vannini via walterv at gbbservices.com
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> -- 
> -bill!
> Sent from my computer
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> vox mailing list
> vox at lists.lugod.org
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Brian Lavender

"There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to
make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other
way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."

Professor C. A. R. Hoare
The 1980 Turing award lecture

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