[vox] Linux Games

Bill Broadley bill at broadley.org
Tue Mar 29 03:29:30 PDT 2011

On 03/28/2011 08:00 PM, Gandalf Parker wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Mar 2011, Darth Borehd wrote:
>> What natively-running Linux games do think are the most fun?

Games that managed to swallow a fair bit of my time over the years:
Osmos - fun physics based game
Battle for Wesnoth - Turn based strategy, with a fantasy bent
World of Goo - Physics based game
Warzone 2100 - RTS with a military bent
Minecraft - World building 3d game
Majesty - Build a world for your heros to live in.
Globulations 2 - Real time Strategy
Myth 2 - Soulblighter - RTS, fantasy.

Kinda sad there isn't a steam equivalent for linux to make some of the
older games available cheap.

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