[vox] connectbot is cool

Marc Elliot Hall marc at hallmarc.net
Fri Mar 25 08:07:36 PDT 2011

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 09:11:15PM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
> nice to be able to ssh from my phone to my machine. got metro pcs 
> samsung indulge.
> -- 
> Brian Lavender
> http://www.brie.com/brian/
Wow, Brian, I thought you'd left the dark ages already!

I was using ssh from my Palm Treo seven years ago, which was usable 
(if slow) for collecting mail using mutt directly on the server. I've
upgreaded phones twice since then, and still use mutt over ssh. I'm 
sending this from my Nokia N900, which has a full-on Debian environment.

The keyboard *really* sucks; but the phone is way useful for logging
the kids out of the family PC with "skill -u <user>" from the couch
when they're playing games instead of doing their homework.

I really miiss having a "^" key, too. Using vi is painful without it!

Marc Elliot Hall
Enterprise System Architecture and Implementation

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