[vox] Speaker on Monday may not make it

Shwaine shwaine at shwaine.com
Mon Mar 21 11:59:08 PDT 2011

Here's a little tip for future reference when the Grapevine closes (it's 
reopened now according to the CHP although traffic will probably be crazy 
for a while):

Being from the area just north of the Grapevine and unfortunately familiar 
with how to bypass it, your only option other than sitting around waiting 
for it to reopen when 58 is also closed due to snow is to head up the 101 
along the coast. It'll still get you to Davis, just a longer drive (Google 
estimates 510 miles for the coastal route from LA to Davis vs 400 miles 
for the Grapevine/I-5 route).

You can cut back over to I-5 at 46 (Paso Robles) or 152 (Gilroy) to avoid 
the Bay Area toll bridges. I personally prefer 152 when driving from here 
to the Bay Area as 46 is only a two-lane highway most of the way (one lane 
each way) which turns it into a white knuckle drive of dodging crazy 
people who are passing unsafely just to get from the valley to the coast 
(or vis versa) 10 minutes quicker.

On Mon, 21 Mar 2011, Bill Kendrick wrote:

> Stuck n of la.  fyi it's my understanding that they're driving
> (else grapevine closure wouldn't apply to them :) )
> Not sure if they made it further than me.
> -b!
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 11:42:34AM -0700, giovanni_re wrote:
>> I was curious if JW was gonna fly himself up, & if I could get an air
>> lift from him from Berkeley up to LUGOD.  (Perhaps you saw my post to
>> the lugod list on that.)

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