[vox] Who thinks Java is cool?

Bill Broadley bill at broadley.org
Fri Jun 17 20:29:12 PDT 2011

On 06/17/2011 01:08 PM, Norm Matloff wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 12:40:28AM -0700, Bill Broadley wrote:
>> Yeah, I'm pretty pleased with multi-processing, I spent a weekend trying
>> to figure out why nothing was scaling with my python implementation
>> before I found (and cursed) the GIL.
> I believe the multiprocessing module (note: I mean the module with that
> exact name) does give you threads without the GIL.  You can also use it
> on a cluster, not just on a multicore system, still with the
> shared-memory paradigm.

Sorry, I likely wasn't very clear.  We are in violent agreement.

So yes I tried just threads, saw no speedup.  Tried multiprocessing and
got a perfect speedup.  As a bonus I got a thread safe way to
communicate between producer and consumer without having to write a it
myself.  Just what should be in a language designed for today's CPUs.

Kinda curious for the Qt folks out there, does Qt have similar?  BTW,
I've heard from many different people how nice Qt is.  To my surprise it
was similarly complimented even when writing non-GUI code.  Sounds like
one of the leading reasons to write in C++.

Oh, btw, for fast/easy app creators anyone with an android phone might
want to try app inventor.  It's a interesting concept that requires an
app installed on android, and all devel is through a website.  Rather
MIT Scratch like, I think even some of the same people are involved.
Basically puzzle pieces to lay out your logic and connections between
pieces for communications/callbacks/calls.

I didn't get past the push a button and have a cat meow demo, Wes's
mention of writing a 15 minute counter reminded me of it.

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