[vox] Open Knowledge Foundation, ODbL (license), etc.

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sat Jun 4 12:07:52 PDT 2011

So as a past contributor to OpenStreetMap, I recently received an email
asking me whether I agree to relicense my contributions under the ODbL
(Open Database License).

I've been a bit out of touch, and I admit I haven't had time to investigate
any of this thoroughly, but I knew there must be people out here who'd find
this interesting -- esp. some of our friends from the Open Science group[*]).

* Open Knowledge Foundation

  We seek a world in which open knowledge is ubiquitous and
  routine. We seek to promote open knowledge because of its potential to
  deliver far-reaching societal benefits. Read more about our vision.

  What is Open Knowledge?

    "Open Knowledge" is any content, information or data that people are
    free to use, re-use redistribute and without any legal, technological
    or social restriction. We detail exactly what openness entails in the
    Open Knowledge Definition. The main principles are:

    * Free and open access to the material
    * Freedom to redistribute the material
    * Freedom to reuse the material
    * No restriction of the above based on who someone is (e.g. their
      nationality) or their field of endeavour (e.g. commercial or

  What is the Open Knowledge Foundation?

    The Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) is a not-for-profit
    organization founded in 2004 and dedicated to promoting open knowledge
    in all its forms. It is a leader in this field nationally and

    The Foundation's activities are organized around individual working
    groups and projects, each focused on a different aspect of open
    knowledge, but united by a common set of concerns, and a common set of
    traditions in both etiquette and process. These are explained in more
    is detail on the governance page, but can be summarized as:

    * Open discussion
    * Meritocracy
    * Tolerance

* Open Data Commons

  Open Data Commons exists to provide legal solutions for open data.
  In March 2008 it launched the first ever open data license: the
  Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL). Open Data Commons is an
  Open Knowledge Foundation project run by its Advisory Council and like
  the Foundation is a not-for-profit effort working for the benefit of
  the general open knowledge community.


  * Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL) -- "Public Domain for

  * Attribution License (ODC-By) -- "Attribution for data/databases"

  * Open Database License (ODC-ODbL) -- "Attribution Share-Alike for


[*] http://openwetware.org/wiki/UC_Davis_Open_Science 

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