[vox] Free CD-Rs, USB car charger, damaged digital camera + CF card stuff

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sun Jul 31 13:27:21 PDT 2011

Clearing my closet out in prep for a move next month, I discovered
a nearly-full stack of what must be 100 Verbatim CD-Rs, with
"700MB, 52x speed, 80 min" listed on them.

We also have a spare car-charger for our T-Mobile 3G Slide cellphones
(each of our phones came with one; we only have the one vehicle ;) ).
I believe it's the "micro USB" flavor.  No guarantee, but I'm betting it
will work with other devices that charger over micro USB.

Finally, I also have an old, not-quite working Canon digital camera that
may be repairable or fun to hack on, a small camera case, and USB CF card
reader, and 64MB CF card (if I recall) that could be useful for some other
geeky project.

Free!  Who wants 'em?  I MAY make it to the social gathering this
Tuesday, though I may be late.  Otherwise, we can talk about when/where to
meet up in Davis.

Sent from my computer

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