[vox] [fwd: offer] Typemock seeking to sponsor your Linux group and promote C++ Unit testing in Linux

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu Jul 14 13:13:54 PDT 2011

FYI an offer from a company that makes some C++ testing software:

----- Forwarded message from Avi Hein <avi at typemock.com> -----

Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 16:09:39 +0300
From: "Avi Hein" <avi at typemock.com>
Subject: Typemock seeking to sponsor your Linux group and promote C++ Unit
	testing in Linux

   Are you or your members interested in C/C++ unit testing?

   I would like to invite you and the group members of LUGOD: Linux Users'
   Group of Davis (California) to try out Isolator++ for Linux.

   Isolator++ for Linux enables easy unit testing of C++ on many Linux
   distributions. Try it now.

   As a community leader, I'd like to offer you a free license to try out
   Isolator++. Install it now at

   In addition, Typemock will be hosting a webinar discussing common issues
   faced when unit testing in C/C++ and it will also introduce Isolator++ for
   Linux on Tuesday, July 19.

   I would like to invite your members to learn more. Can you please send out
   an announcement to your list? The sign up is:
   https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/687589306 and everyone who attends
   will get a free Isolator++ license.

   Are you interested in two licenses to give away at each of your meetings?
   Please let me know if you would like me to send you an Isolator++ for
   Linux license.

   If you have any questions, or would like any help, let us know.


   Avi Hein

   Community Manager


----- End forwarded message -----

Sent from my computer

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