[vox] T-Mobile "G2"

Bill Broadley bill at broadley.org
Thu Sep 9 10:40:57 PDT 2010

On 09/09/2010 09:26 AM, Brian Lavender wrote:
> Dumb question. I have Metro PCS and it costs me $50 all inclusive with no
> contract. Metro works great. I have no complaints.

How many minutes do you actually use?  Does $50 include all the taxes, 
fees, and related?

> Any Android phones coming from Metro? I don't see any mention of Metro offering Android.

No idea, doesn't metro leach off someone else for towers?

> http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/verizon-launching-samsung-fascinate-sept-8-metropcs-plans-500m-offering/2010-09-07
> How much should I expect to pay with an Android and what contract or can
> I get one without a contract should I expect? I have heard it costs about
> a hundred bucks a month!

Well many places have a discount, are you affiliated with a large 
business or university?  Is it acceptable to use SMS through google 
voice instead of your cell phone number?  I pay $104 to $108 (it varies 
month to month) which includes all taxed and fees.  That is for 2 
android phones, 800 minutes shared, 2 unlimited data plans, and 400 SMS 

Don't expect a cheap subsidized phone and no contract though.

So to start with if 500 minutes is enough you could pay $59.99, but they 
don't mention it loudly you could cancel the unlimited text and use 
google voice to send/receive sms (I prefer it since it *gasp* works over 
cellular and wifi, not to mention cell phone and desktop) or gtalk 
(google's IM).  That removes $5-$10 or so.  If you have an affiliation 
you might get another 10-15% off.  But to get that you have to pay full 
price for a phone or buy one yourself (ebay, craig's list, or friends).

If you want a cheap phone ($200 for the highest end phones) you end up 
paying $80 a month for the same (then subtract discount and sms).

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