[vox] Software Evolution Storylines, Inspired By XKCD

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Mon Oct 11 17:04:21 PDT 2010

Seen on Slashdot:

  Software Evolution Storylines, Inspired By XKCD
  Posted by timothy on Friday October 08, @05:11AM
  from the top-that-with-sparklines dept.

  jamie tips this mind-blowing data visualization concept [1] from
  (naturally) data visualization researcher Michael Ogawa, who explains
  that it was inspired by "this XKCD comic. [2]  It represents characters as
  lines that converge in time as they share scenes. Could this technique
  be adapted for software developers who work on the same code?"

[1] http://vis.cs.ucdavis.edu/~ogawa/research/storylines/
[2] http://xkcd.com/657/large/

Michael Ogawa is a Ph.D student in the Computer Science program at UC Davis,
and member of the Visualization and Interface Design Innovation Group.
He created "code_swarm", and came to LUGOD to talk about it almost exactly
2 years ago...

Photos (cruddy; sorry... must've been an old cameraphone):

code_swarm slides (420KB PDF):


Sent from my computer

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