[vox] [einfeldt at gmail.com: Re: [sf-lug] zareason advice about laptops]

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sat Jun 19 13:46:29 PDT 2010

----- Forwarded message from Christian Einfeldt <einfeldt at gmail.com> -----

Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 16:02:45 -0700
From: Christian Einfeldt <einfeldt at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [sf-lug] zareason advice about laptops
To: jim <jim at well.com>
Cc: sf-lug <sf-lug at linuxmafia.com>

   Zareason sold the KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy several GNU-Linux
   machines.  I did the negotiating for the school.  Zareason was great
   through the negotiations.  There were lots of changes from the school's
   side, as they got their funding from Microsoft (!!!) through the
   California Microsoft Anti-trust Settlement Agreement (CMASA), and the
   rules for the CMASA rules were designed to discourgage the acquisition of
   FOSS machines (surprise!).  Zareason put up with all of the details and
   changes, and then, most important, when it came time to deliver the
   machines, not only did they deliver good machines, but they came over to
   the school and spent an enormous amount of time actually running the
   network cables, etc.  
   I have nothing but good things to say about Zareason.  The story about the
   school getting its Linux computers paid for by Microsoft was slashdotted
   and appears here:

   There were several other vendors who would not take the school's order for
   the Linux computers, because the school couldn't guarantee payment.  The
   school had to tell the vendors that if the Microsoft funding didn't come
   through, they would have had to decline payment and return the machines.
    Zareason was willing to take that risk; that's how much they believe in
   software freedom.
   As a result, I am a big Zareason fan, and I promote them whenever I get a

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