[vox] [fwd] Pearson Education User Group Program Newsletter -- July 2010

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu Jul 1 14:10:14 PDT 2010

Sadly, this email came w/o plain-text alternative, so what you see
below is the HTML->TXT conversion that Mutt is showing me (via Links, IIRC).

Sadly, this means it's a bear to read, and hyperlinks don't work.
I don't want to figure out how to attach an HTML document to my post
to 'vox', either.

I know I've bugged at least one company about sending TXT alternatives;
I can't remember if it was Pearson, though.  In any case, I'll alert/remind
them :)


----- Forwarded message from InformIT <usergroups at informit.com> -----

Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2010 03:15:08 -0700
From: "InformIT" <usergroups at informit.com>
Subject: Pearson Education User Group Program Newsletter -- July 2010
To: pr at lugod.org
Reply-To: "InformIT" <usergroups at informit.com>

   |                                                     Issue 30-July 2010 |
   |            Pearson Education User Group Program Newsletter             |
   |                                                                        |
   | +---------------------------+   QuickLinks                             |
   | | Thank you for reading the |                                          |
   | |  Pearson Education User   |     * Monthly User Group Contest         |
   | |   Group Program monthly   |     * InformIT Product Review Team       |
   | |  newsletter for official  |     * InformIT Store                     |
   | |   group members. Please   |     * OnPodcast Network                  |
   | |  pass along this special  |     * Twitter and Facebook               |
   | |   video-themed issue to   |     * User Group Offers                  |
   | |   your colleagues, and    |                                          |
   | |    share our news and     |     ----------------------------------   |
   | |          offers.          |                                          |
   | +---------------------------+   In the Store                           |
   |                                                                        |
   | News & Announcements            CCNP Routing and    CCNP Routing and   |
   |                                 Switching           Switching          |
   | [IMG]iPad Giveaway Plus Free    Foundation Learning Foundation         |
   | Content for Microsoft           Library for CCNP    Learning Library   |
   | Developer and IT Professional                       for CCNP           |
   | For a limited time, we are                          By Diane Teare     |
   | offering 35% off our new and    Charts and Graphs:  Charts and Graphs: |
   | most popular titles on          Microsoft Excel     Microsoft Excel    |
   | Microsoft technology, giving    2010                2010               |
   | away FREE content for both                          By Bill Jelen      |
   | the developer and IT            Essential GWT:      Essential GWT:     |
   | professional, and presenting    Building for the    Building for the   |
   | you an opportunity to           Web with Google Web Web with Google    |
   | register to win an iPad.        Toolkit 2           Web Toolkit 2      |
   | Register now and you could be                       By Federico Kereki |
   | the lucky winner.               Microsoft SQL       Microsoft SQL      |
   |                                 Server 2008 R2      Server 2008 R2     |
   |                                                     By Ray Rankins     |
   | Safari Books Online Announces   OpenGL SuperBible   OpenGL SuperBible  |
   | "Learn Something New Team                           By Richard S.      |
   | Challenge"                                          Wright             |
   | Safari Books Online would       The Facebook Era,   The Facebook Era,  |
   | like to be the resource to      2nd Edition         Second Edition     |
   | help you achieve a new                              By Clara Shih      |
   | skill-set while delivering a    UNIX and Linux      UNIX and Linux     |
   | tangible project for your       System              System             |
   | organization. Learn how you     Administration      Administration     |
   | and up to 3 team members can    Handbook, 4th Ed.   Handbook, 4th      |
   | submit your project for a                           Edition            |
   | chance to win an e-reader of                        By Evi Nemeth      |
   | choice (one for each team                                              |
   | member) or a Starbucks          Be sure you're logged in when shopping |
   | espresso machine by visiting    and have entered your membership code  |
   | the Challenge website.          to receive your 35% discount! * See    |
   | Deadline for entries is         all titles                             |
   | August 16, 2010.                                                       |
   |                                   ----------------------------------   |
   |                                                                        |
   | Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET 4   User Group Offers                      |
   | in 24 HoursAsk an Expert:       www.informit.com/usergroupwelcome      |
   | ASP.NET 4                                                              |
   | Scott Mitchell, author of       [IMG]Grab a Modern Classic and Save    |
   | Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET 4   35%                                    |
   | in 24 Hours, introduces you     The last year has seen new titles from |
   | to ASP.NET; shows you how to    classic Addison-Wesley authors and     |
   | install Visual Web Developer,   industry leaders including Fred        |
   | along with the .NET Framework   Brooks, Mike Cohn, Martin Fowler,      |
   | and SQL Server 2008; and        Watts Humphrey, Bjarne Stroustrup, and |
   | helps you create your first     more. Take a peek at these classics in |
   | ASP.NET page.                   the making with a free eBook sampler,  |
   |                                 plus save 35% off these titles         |
   | Article: Getting Started with   (excluding Rough Cuts).                |
   | ASP.NET 4                                                              |
   |                                                                        |
   |                                                 [IMG]                  |
   |   -------------------------                                            |
   |                                                                        |
   | Authors and Events: July                                               |
   |                                                                        |
   | July 2-30-Java Road Trip:                                              |
   | Code to Coast Tour                                                     |
   | Java developers, architects,                                           |
   | programmers, and enthusiasts:                                          |
   | get ready for a real                                                   |
   | adrenaline rush! Make plans                                            |
   | to visit the Java Road Trip                                            |
   | as it crosses the country                                              |
   | showcasing Oracle's                                                    |
   | commitment to everything                                               |
   | Java. Heading up the tour are                                          |
   | key Java technologists from                                            |
   | Oracle, who will be                                                    |
   | demonstrating the latest Java                                          |
   | software, engaging with Java                                           |
   | User Group (JUG) members, and                                          |
   | meeting with enterprise                                                |
   | developers and consumers.                                              |
   |                                                                        |
   |   * Charlottesville, VA                                                |
   |     Friday, July 2                                                     |
   |   * Atlanta, GA                                                        |
   |     Wednesday-Thursday, July                                           |
   |     7-8                                                                |
   |   * New Orleans, LA Saturday,                                          |
   |     July 10                                                            |
   |   * Memphis, TN Wednesday,                                             |
   |     July 14                                                            |
   |   * Dallas, TX Tuesday, July                                           |
   |     20                                                                 |
   |   * Austin, TX Thursday, July                                          |
   |     22                                                                 |
   |   * Denver, CO Friday, July                                            |
   |     30                                                                 |
   |                                                                        |
   |                                                                        |
   | July 13-Safari Books Online                                            |
   | Webcast: The Top 25 New                                                |
   | Features in Microsoft Office                                           |
   | 2010                                                                   |
   | Join J. Peter Bruzzese as he                                           |
   | walks through the top 25 new                                           |
   | features in Microsoft Office                                           |
   | 2010. Ten webcast attendees                                            |
   | will win an autographed copy                                           |
   | of Bruzzese's Microsoft                                                |
   | Office 2010 LiveLessons. All                                           |
   | other participants will also                                           |
   | receive 45 days of                                                     |
   | complimentary access to this                                           |
   | product via Safari Books                                               |
   | Online. Register now.                                                  |
   |                                                                        |
   |                                                                        |
   | Have a User Group event in                                             |
   | your area? Let us know!                                                |
   | E-mail any event details to                                            |
   | usergroups at informit.com for                                            |
   | consideration in next month's                                          |
   | User Group Program                                                     |
   | newsletter. Please include                                             |
   | "User Group Event" in the                                              |
   | subject line.                                                          |
   |                                                                        |
   |   -------------------------                                            |
   |                                                                        |
   | User Groups of the Month                                               |
   |                                                                        |
   | Michigan: West Michigan Linux                                          |
   | Users Group meets the last                                             |
   | Thursday of the month at the                                           |
   | New Horizons Computer                                                  |
   | Learning Center in Grand                                               |
   | Rapids, MI. WMLUG's goal is                                            |
   | to provide a friendly                                                  |
   | atmosphere to learn about                                              |
   | using Linux and open-source                                            |
   | software. For more                                                     |
   | information visit                                                      |
   | www.wmlug.org.                                                         |
   |                                                                        |
   | Nebraska: Omaha Cisco User                                             |
   | Group provides networking and                                          |
   | studying opportunities with                                            |
   | peers to discuss technology                                            |
   | and emerging trends in voice,                                          |
   | video, and data networking.                                            |
   | For more information on                                                |
   | upcoming meetings, visit                                               |
   | omaha.ciscousers.org.                                                  |
   |                                                                        |
   |   ------------------------------------------------------------------   |
   | OnWebMarketing        Audio/Video       OnMacDevelopment  Video        |
   | OnSecurity            Audio/Video       OnOpenSource      Audio/Video  |
   | OnMicrosoft           Audio/Video       OnSoftware        Audio/Video  |
   | OnNetworking          Audio/Video       OnSOA             Audio        |
   | OnBizTech             Audio             OnCertification   Video        |
   | OnHome&Office         Video             Que On Demand     Video        |
   |                                                                        |
   | Don't Have iTunes? Download It Here!                                   |
   |   ------------------------------------------------------------------   |
   |    Did someone forward this to you? E-mail usergroups at informit.com     |
   |  with your name, group name, group topic area, and e-mail address to   |
   |                               subscribe.                               |
   |                                                                        |
   |      InformIT, 800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240       |
   |            (c) 2010 Pearson Education. All rights reserved.            |

----- End forwarded message -----

Sent from my computer

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