[vox] LUGOD in "Insight"

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Fri Jan 1 12:18:44 PST 2010

I asked the host of CapRadio's "Insight" show if he thought his
listeners would be interested in hearing about Linux, open source and
LUGOD.  He accepted my offer to come onto the show, so I'm scheduled
to go on the air on January 15th.  (That's the Friday prior to our
11th anniversary meeting, which will be on the following Monday.)

If anyone out here is interested and available in going on with me,
and think they have something unique and interesting to bring to the
conversation, he's willing to have a pair of us on the show.

We need to be at the studio by 9:50am that day, and will be
on the air some time during the 10am hour.


Happy New Year!

Sent from my computer

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