[vox] NEXT WEEK: PenLUG meeting 02/25/2010

bill at wards.net bill at wards.net
Thu Feb 18 12:00:10 PST 2010


   |Date:    |Thursday, February 25, 2010                    |
   |Time:    |6:00 - 8:00 PM                                 |
   |         |Bayshore Technology Park                       |
   |Location:|1300 Island Drive                              |
   |         |Redwood City, CA 94065                         |
   |         |Suite 108 - Boardroom I                        |
   |RSVP:    |Facebook: (coming soon) or mail rsvp at penlug.org|

   NOTE We will be meeting in the Boardroom rather than the usual training
   room. It's in the same building, down the hall. We will have signs inside
   the building so you will be able to find us easily. Capacity is limited to
   about 20 people, so RSVP is very important! We will meet in the Boardroom
   for January and February, returning to the Training Room from March 2010

   Qualys is no longer hosting the event, however NewlineNoosh, another
   company in the same office complex, is taking over the hosting. We no
   longer have a sponsor providing free pizza and beverages, however, so
   until/unless we get a new sponsor for that we are moving to a potluck


     * 6:00 PM Potluck snacks
     * 6:15 PM Free book giveaways or other prizes
     * 6:30 PM Presentation begins
     * 8:00 PM Meeting ends

  Linux, Android and Open Source in the Mobile Environment

   Mobile operating systems based on Linux range from full implementations of
   GNU/Linux like Nokia's Maemo and Intel/Fedora's Moblin to platforms like
   Palm's webOS and the Google/Open Handset Alliance's Android, which contain
   little which is familiar to Linux users beyond the kernel. In addition,
   Nokia has open-sourced Symbian, which is not based on Linux at all. How
   "open" and "free" are these operating systems and what challenges and
   opportunities do they present to developers and users? Android is winning
   the battle for market share but does not have familiar facilities like X11
   or even most of libc. In response, the Open Android Alliance has initiated
   the Replicant Project whose purpose is to create a GPL'ed operating system
   for the HTC G1 Dream phone.

  Alison Chaiken, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

   Alison Chaiken is a recovering physicist who has computed primarily on
   Unix since the days of the VAX 11-750. She worked on pervasive computing
   projects at HP Labs before coming to Stanford Linear Accelerator Center to
   write instrument control and user interface software.


  Although it is not required, we like to have an idea of how many
  people to expect, so if possible please email rsvp at penlug.org if you
  are planning to attend.


  For information on getting to the meeting, please see:

  Traffic on 101 can be pretty bad in the evening, so we encourage you
  to check traffic conditions before driving by dialing 5-1-1 on your
  phone or visiting www.511.org, and if possible to take public transit
  (best bet: bicycle via Caltrain) or carpool to this meeting.


  See www.penlug.org for more information.

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	members at penlug.org
	announce at penlug.org
	sf-lug at linuxmafia.com
	balug-talk at lists.balug.org
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  Please reply to suggest any additions or other changes.

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