[vox] Need to make educational Ubuntu build

Ryan Northrup northrupthebandgeek at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 16:41:03 PDT 2010

Glad to hear it.  Most people shy away from the open source movement :)

On Apr 28, 2010, at 15:12, Darth Borehd <darth.borehd at gmail.com> wrote:

> It did indeed go well.  I got the computer to them and they said its  
> been working out great.  They even installed their commercial  
> software packages without incident.  The kids love tuxpaint and tux  
> command, and frozen bubble.
> On 20 April 2010 18:13, Ryan Northrup  
> <northrupthebandgeek at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for the delayed response...
> Yeah, pretty big gamble.  I would check and see which software the  
> preschool already owns or plans to own, then test it on an Ubuntu  
> computer with Wine to determine what does and doesn't work.  Most  
> preschool level software, in my observation at least, should work by  
> now on Wine.  It's just the really graphically-intensive and DirectX- 
> heavy stuff that gives a lot of issues.
> Definitely keep:
> GCompris (lots of games for small children)
> GNUPaint or Tuxpaint (or both)
> iTalc (similar to Faronics InSight)
> All the other Tux-related programs (Tuxmath, Tuxtype, etc.)
> Depending on how advanced and/or into specific subjects the kids  
> are, you may also want to install kstars, ktouch, kturtle,  
> ktuberling, and/or kwordquiz.  They work fine with GNOME if you  
> don't want to clog up resources with KDE (although I'm actually  
> typing this email on a Kubuntu desktop with 480 MB RAM and a 2.4 GHz  
> CPU; most educational computers that I've seen will perform much  
> better than my modest rig).
> Good luck with the machine.  Hope all goes well, and again, sorry  
> for the late response.
> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Darth Borehd  
> <darth.borehd at gmail.com> wrote:
> Excellent point.  I am going to make sure that tuxpaint is on there  
> which is how this all started.  Are there pre-school appropriate  
> programs you suggest I look for specifically?
> So it's a gamble if they work on WINE or not.  Hmmm.
> On 11 March 2010 23:14, Ryan Northrup  
> <northrupthebandgeek at gmail.com> wrote:
> If possible, I suggest cutting out the excess stuff that comes with  
> Edubuntu.  There is a lot of software that I doubt would be suitable  
> for a pre-school (such as Dia or kalgebra).  Talk to the  
> administrative staff of the pre-school to determine exactly which  
> applications they would want.
> Also, be aware that WINE isn't perfect.  Some educational games will  
> likely be incompatible.  I've had issues trying to install Math  
> Blaster on an Ubuntu computer for my little sister.  Although, that  
> was a year or so ago.  Maybe it'll be better now.
> On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Darth Borehd  
> <darth.borehd at gmail.com> wrote:
> My daughter's pre-school is asking me to build an educational  
> machine for the kids.  I was thinking of using edubuntu with WINE  
> installed so they can add commercial educational games.  Any  
> suggestions or advice?
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