[vox] is the Linux desktop OS dead?

Joseph Arruda joseph.arruda at gmail.com
Mon Nov 23 14:54:22 PST 2009

Yes, I've heard it for about a dozen years now, and while it has not 
materialized yet, it has not gone the way of the dodo either.

Tech pundits on FOSS are mostly about as useful as a second appendix in 
human biology.  They are either zealots who believe that FOSS is 
perpetually on the verge of creating world peace and setting a new 
hygiene standard that will guarantee RMS a date on Fridays, or 
detractors who think its a plot by a clone of Leon Trotsky secretly 
bunkered somewhere near the SeaTac airport.

The truth lay somewhere in the middle of all that.  Most of the 
arguments he provided were generally invalid except for the software 
side of the "divide and fail" strategy.  FOSS has always had a 
semi-Balkanized roll your own tendency, which from a business to 
consumer (casual consumer, as in someone who has had years or decades of 
using .exe or .dmg/.app files and has habitualized to a sort of 
consistency that is so routine its almost instinctual) standpoint is 
problematic.  The LSB still has work to be done in that regard :)



Cylar Z wrote:
> Wondered if everyone had seen this, and had any reaction to it?
> http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/hiner/?p=3372&tag=content;leftCol

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