[vox] LUGOD meeting attendance and new-user signups

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Fri Nov 20 14:22:55 PST 2009

Till Stegers wrote:
> Norm Matloff wrote:
>> That said, though, I believe there is a great untapped market among UCD
>> CS majors.
> I second that. It's also sad how little many students know about the
> philosophy of free software. When we talked about various open-source
> licenses and specifically the GPL in the ethics class (ECS 188), almost
> no students had any familiarity with or awareness of the topic. Quite
> shocking.
> Till

I discussed this with the CS club officers last year. Anecdotally they
seemed to think that bad experiences with the "Dungeon" computers turned
off students from wanting to use Linux and going home to use their
windows machines. Some of it revolved around the machines having
outdated libraries for some people's coding projects. Not sure what the
other reasons are.

The good news is that 10 students did show up to a CS Club info session
about Google Summer of Code last spring that I put together with a
mentor form Plone and from OpenJump(Open Source GIS).

That said I agree we should work with them more.

Geography Graduate Student (Not CS)
Installfest Coordinator

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