[vox] OT BerkeleyLUG Meeting Sunday May 17 With Prizes

Jack Deslippe jdeslip at berkeley.edu
Fri May 15 13:49:03 PDT 2009

Ya, it is spelled BUUG but pronounced BUG.  It still meets every 1st /
3rd Thursday.  It is a really laid back group that meets and chats over
coffee.  BerkeleyLUG is designed to be a supplement to BUUG that is more
active and geared towards using/developing/promoting desktop/mobile linux.


Brian Lavender wrote:
> On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 07:08:53PM -0700, Jack Deslippe wrote:
>> Please don't hate me for spamming your lists - very soon, our own list
>> will be created and we won't need to spam yours. I just wanted to get
>> the word out to the bay area initially.
>> I am happy to announce the first public meeting of the Berkeley Linux
>> Users Group (http://www.berkeleylug.com). This is a user group
> Is BUG still in action? I had a friend that used to go to something like
> BUG. I never went to a meeting, but the name sounded cool. ;-)

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