[vox] good CAPTCHA

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu May 7 21:11:12 PDT 2009

On Fri, May 08, 2009 at 02:55:55AM +0000, Seth Nagao wrote:
> That sounds like a good idea but my main concern would be with screen readers.  I'm pretty sure they will pick up on that extra field.
> Of course, if section 508 isn't an issue then this could be acceptable.

Use a <label> tag or somesuch that will get read out as something like:

  Don't enter anything in this field, it's to prevent spam bots.
  Sorry for the inconvenience, but hey, at least I'm not using some stupid
  graphical captcha that NON-blind people can't even read half the time!
  Computers suck and I hate the internet. Have a nice day.

Or, you know, whatever sounds good.


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