[vox] [fwd] ACCU: Wednesday, May 13 - Dan Bourque, Google Technology on the iPhone [Mtn View]

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed May 6 14:47:49 PDT 2009

----- Forwarded message from Ali Cehreli -----

Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 13:54:23 -0700
From: Ali Cehreli
Subject: ACCU: Wednesday, May 13 - Dan Bourque, Google Technology on the iPhone

When:      Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Topic:     Google Technology on the iPhone
Speaker:   Dan Bourque
Time:      6:30pm doors open
        7:00pm meeting begins
Where:     Symantec
        VCAFE building
        350 Ellis Street (near E. Middlefield Road)
        Mountain View, CA 94043
Map:       <http://tinyurl.com/334rv5>
Directions: VCAFE is accessible from the semicircular courtyard
between Symantec buildings <http://tinyurl.com/2dccgc>
Cost:      Free
More Info: <http://www.accu-usa.org>

One of the iPhone's limitations is that 3rd party apps don't have
access to the iPhone's calendar contents using the iPhone SDK.  By
using the Google Data APIs and Google Sync, you can now bridge that
gap!  In this presentation, Dan will show how to use Google's
Objective-C client libraries to create, retrieve, update and delete
iPhone calendar events.  His open source code for this demo is
available at http://code.google.com/p/iphone-gcal.

If time allows, he will also demonstrate how to use the Google
Spreadsheets as a database in the cloud in your apps, whose web
interface is then easily embeddable into websites.  You can see an
example of this at http://square-master.googlemashups.com, which shows
his iPhone game's leaderboard.

Dan (http://www.DanBourque.com) is a technical leader at Cisco and is
the creator of the Square Master iPhone game

Meetings are open to the public and are free of charge.


The ACCU meets monthly. Meetings are always open to the public and are
free of charge. To suggest topics and speakers please email Walter
Vannini via walterv at gbbservices.com

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