[vox] Document Freedom Day

Brian Lavender brian at brie.com
Fri Mar 20 11:59:17 PDT 2009

There's a kickstart for custom Fedora Spin related to the Document
Freedom Day.


When I went to the wiki, I was looking for some Open Standards, but I
found more about philosophy, rather than what currently complies and
what doesn't. 


On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:08:47PM -0700, Sameer Verma wrote:
> ...is on the 25th. Here's an e-mail I got from Software Freedom International.
> Sameer
> -- 
> Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor of Information Systems
> San Francisco State University
> San Francisco CA 94132 USA
> http://verma.sfsu.edu/
> http://opensource.sfsu.edu/
> ====Forwarded mail===
> Software Freedom International, the worldwide organizer of the annual
> Software Freedom Day, encourages all SFD teams to support the Document
> Freedom Day 2009 (DFD 2009) celebration (http://documentfreedom.org/)
> on 25 March 2009. DFD 2009 aims to raise awareness on the importance
> of accessible document formats and open standards in everyone's day to
> day activities.
> Open standards are agreed document definitions which are available to
> the public to review and use. They cannot depend on formats or
> protocols that are not open standards themselves. The definitions of
> these open standards are free from legal and technical restrictions
> that limit their use, and can be easily implemented in multiple
> environments - so they can be used on PCs, iPods, Playstations and
> whatever computing environments we'll be using in 50 years time.
> Open standards protect governments, businesses and the wider community
> of computer users from vendor and data lock-ins. Such lock-ins
> obstruct users from exercising their full freedom in software and the
> information they access. Computers have only become part of daily life
> in the last twenty or thirty years, and yet already there are
> documents that, due to closed formats, we are unable to easily access
> using modern software.
> Software freedom will not be complete without open standards and open
> document formats. Together, they ensure that free and open source
> software can be created and developed to implement open standards to
> benefit millions of users worldwide.
> The Software Freedom Day and Document Freedom Day teams are united in
> advancing information and software freedom for everyone. Find out
> where your closest DFD 2009 team is by visiting the website
> (http://documentfreedom.org/) - and if there isn't one, why not plan
> your own event?
> Rick Bahague
> rick at cp-union.com
> Publicity officer, Software Freedom International
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Brian Lavender

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