[vox] [fwd] Redwood Building as a venue

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Fri Jun 12 23:43:41 PDT 2009

FYI, Dennis from the City of Davis got back to me.  Here are a few
quotes from his email:

    Bill: I have checked availability and the Redwood Building is
    available the third Monday from July 2009 through July 2010.


    I have attached a Community Group form and facility application.  If
    your group qualifies for Community Group status, your rental fees
    would be $11/hr for the first three months and after that you would
    receive the on-going user rate which is 50% of your user group rate
    (i.e. if you qualify for Community Group rate, you would pay $5.50/hr
    after the first three months).

    The only concern is the facility does not have a projection screen.  I
    have included a couple of pictures, I believe there is a wall that
    would suffice.


Amazon.com tells me that projector screens (with tripod) can cost around

Based on the Community Group form, I'd be surprised if they didn't
accept us...

  * Purpose of organization

    [I think our purpose is useful and educational]

  * Affiliation
    ___ I certify my group is located in Davis and holds a 501(c) State of
    California non-profit status.
    Fed. Tax ID # _____________

    [they also accept orgs that are a local affiliate of a nat'l/regional
     non-profit, and 'recognized student organization[s] with [UC Davis]']

  * Membership
    ___ I certify that our membership is open to the general public

  * Residency
    ___ I certify that at least 50% of our membership roster are Davis

    [our membership is in perpetuity, so of the 400+ people we have listed,
    many have moved on from Davis, but in terms of ACTIVE members attending
    meetings, I'm confident we have at least 50% [*] ]

[*] Half-joking: in any case, usually half of our meeting attendance
    goes to Crepeville afterwards, and we have an ok turnout for socials,
    so that brings some sales tax into the city, right? ;^)

Sent from my computer

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