[vox] [Tuxpaint-devel] Breakdown of Tux Paint downloads

Don Armstrong don at donarmstrong.com
Fri Jun 5 08:32:37 PDT 2009

On Thu, 04 Jun 2009, Wes Hardaker wrote:
> Now I need to go read up on how exactly they're deciding to count
> things that come off a CD ;-)

People voluntarily participate in popularity contest, which provides a
list of the packages they've installed and whether they've "used" that
package recently. That means that the information there is skewed by
who decides to participate (and possibly even how they decide to
selectively participate.) Debian uses it primarily to order packages
so the "more popular" packages come before "less popular" packages on
the CD images we distribute.

Secondly, Debian has no real information on how many times packages
are downloaded (primarily because we don't operate a large percentage
of our own mirrors) so popcon is the best tool for this that we have

Don Armstrong

This can't be happening to me. I've got tenure.
 -- James Hynes _Publish and Perish_

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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