[vox] [fwd] ACCU: Wednesday, June 10 - Ed Cherlin, "Digital Textbook Design, Licensing, and Consequences" [Mountain View]

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu Jun 4 15:09:50 PDT 2009

----- Forwarded message from Ali Cehreli -----

Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 14:38:43 -0700
From: Ali Cehreli
Subject: ACCU: Wednesday, June 10 - Ed Cherlin, "Digital Textbook Design, 
	Licensing, and Consequences"

When:      Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Topic:     Digital Textbook Design, Licensing, and Consequences
Speaker:   Ed Cherlin
Time:      6:30pm doors open
     7:00pm meeting begins
Where:     Symantec
     VCAFE building
     350 Ellis Street (near E. Middlefield Road)
     Mountain View, CA 94043
Map:       <http://tinyurl.com/334rv5>
Directions: VCAFE is accessible from the semicircular courtyard
between Symantec buildings <http://tinyurl.com/2dccgc>
Cost:      Free
More Info: <http://www.accu-usa.org>

Earth Treasury and partners are starting to create digital textbooks.
In the past, most such efforts have either been PDFs or software of
very limited utility.  How can we create more powerful learning
materials on the base of software in Sugar on the OLPC XO and other
Linux platforms?  What licenses should we use? What is the impact of
Freely licensed learning materials?  Who is writing these digital
textbooks?   (See:  http://earthtreasury.org/)

Edward Mokurai Cherlin has been a mathematician and computer
scientist, a Peace Corps volunteer in South Korea, a Buddhist monk, a
high-tech market analyst, a tech writer, a Free Software development
manager, and a serial NGO founder.  His two most recent NGOs are the
Open Voting Consortium (Founding Member), and Earth Treasury
(Founder).  Earth Treasury has set itself the task of creating an
informed network of networks including a billion children, along with
their teachers, family, and friends, for economic growth, social
development, and world domination of Free Software.

Further information can be found at
http://www.openvotingconsortium.org/ and

Meetings are open to the public and are free of charge.


The ACCU meets monthly. Meetings are always open to the public and are
free of charge. To suggest topics and speakers please email Walter
Vannini via walterv at gbbservices.com

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