[vox] [fwd] Linux Picnic 2009 steering committee and coordinator

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sat Jan 17 15:28:34 PST 2009

Planning for Picn*x XVIII (the annual Linux Anniversary Picnic & BBQ in
Sunnyvale) is beginning.

If you're interested in helping out (either as a representative
of LUGOD, or as an individual), please contact Ian.  You should probably
subscribe to the 'linuxpicnic' mailing list, too.




----- Forwarded message from Ian Kluft <ikluft at thunder.sbay.org> -----

Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 01:13:30 -0800
From: Ian Kluft <ikluft at thunder.sbay.org>
Subject: [LinuxPicnic] Linux Picnic 2009 steering committee and coordinator
To: Linux Picnic <linuxpicnic at linuxpicnic.org>

It's time to select the Linux Picnic steering committee and coordinator
for 2009.  Our experience shows that things go the smoothest if we have
planning begin by February.  That was why the charter says that if the
picnic doesn't form its organization by Feb 1 then the Board of Directors
is allowed at that point to select a coordinator to get it started.

This year I'll volunteer to be on the steering committee and to help the
coordinator.  But like any strong volunteer organization, it needs to
rotate around the leadership role and have more people who have experience
with it.  So we'll be looking for someone who is willing to be the picnic
coordinator this year.  We have a good organization with a lot of volunteers
who show up to help.

The Linux Picnic Steering Committee will be up to 15 members (probably
much less, depending how many volunteer) consisting of...
* up to 6 members elected by the Linux Picnic membership
* up to 6 members representing Open Source Community Organizations
  (non-profit Open Source organziations which support the picnic)
* up to 3 members appointed by the SBAY Board of Directors

The steering committee is basically the core organizers.  If you're 
interested, then the first thing is to say so.  We can discuss which
ways you can get appointed or elected afterward.

LinuxPicnic mailing list
LinuxPicnic at linuxpicnic.org

----- End forwarded message -----

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