[vox] Windows 7 to Kill Linux?

Richard S. Crawford rscrawford at mossroot.com
Wed Jan 14 11:13:32 PST 2009

I read this article earlier this morning. I'm not convinced the Linux
desktop is at all in danger from Windows 7. Once Windows has the kind
of flexibility and customizability the KDE has, and can ran on the
same wide array of platforms that Linux can run on, can make software
installation as easy as my Kubuntu box has made it (point, click, and
install in Adept rather than search high and low for some malware-free
Windows install), and is, most importantly, free and open source, then
I can see a point being made.

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Bob Scofield <scofield at omsoft.com> wrote:
> Here is an article with a provocative title, "Windows 7 Is Enough To Kill
> Linux On The Desktop."
> www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/review/392/1050392/windows-7-is-enough-to-kill-linux-on-the-desktop
> The article, however, fails to make a case.
> Bob
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Richard S. Crawford (rscrawford at mossroot.com)
Publisher and Editor in Chief, Daikaijuzine (http://www.daikaijuzine.com)

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