[vox] [fwd] SVLUG Dec. 2nd meeting (tomorrow): "SCST, a SCSI Target Framework?for Linux" [Mtn View]

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Tue Dec 1 16:43:11 PST 2009

FYI, Silicon Valley Linux Users Group meets tomorrow in Mtn View:

----- Forwarded message from Rick Moen -----

Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 16:08:38 -0800
From: Rick Moen
Subject: [svlug-announce] SVLUG Dec. 2nd meeting (tomorrow): "SCST,
	a SCSI Target Framework	for Linux"


  Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 (tomorrow)

** In addition to our regular monthly presentation, this month's gathering
   will feature SVLUG's bi-annual election for President and VP. ***

MAIN PRESENTATION (this talk being rescheduled from November)

    SCST, a SCSI Target Framework for Linux 

    Richard Sharpe

      There are two main SCSI Target Frameworks available in Linux: SCST
      and STGT.  STGT performs the majority of its functions in userland, 
      and has limited target-mode driver support. SCST, on the other hand, 
      has very extensive in-kernel support, and has target mode driver 
      support for FiberChannel, SAS, iSCSI, Infiniband, and so forth. 

      Richard Sharpe will present information on how to build and
      install SCST, as well as how to code device handlers and
      target-mode drivers using SCSI LLDs like scst_local, the Marvell
      SAS target driver.  He will also talk about implementing a virtual
      tape library using SCST. 

      Richard Sharpe (http://www.richardsharpe.com/) is a member of the
      Samba Team, and has written a number of dissectors for 
      Wireshark/Ethereal.  He is currently a Senior Software Engineer 
      at Data Robotics, where he writes Linux device drivers.  He also 
      supports scst_local. 


  VCAFE Facility
  350 Ellis Street (near E. Middlefield Road)
  Mountain View, CA 94043

  Directions on how to get there are listed at:


  We've tried our very best for these directions to be accurate.
  If you have any improvements to make, please let SVLUG's volunteers know!
  webmaster at svlug.org


  If you just can't get enough, a smaller group usually goes to a local
  restaurant/diner after the meeting.  We'll announce the restaurant
  selection at the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you there!

----- End forwarded message -----

Sent from my computer

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