[vox] [RE] BayPIGgies meeting Thursday August 27, 2009: NEW: Managing Software Developers

Eric Engelhard ericengelhard at comcast.net
Thu Aug 27 19:52:40 PDT 2009

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 05:51:38PM -0700, Joseph Arruda wrote:
> Bill Ward wrote:
> > I don't know what's going on here, but it is not OK to insult people
> > like you've been doing.
> >   
> It harkens back to the early days of LUGOD, which were know for being a 
> lot more caustic.  That being said, even a lot of the caustic commentary 
> was at least substantive (and sometimes pretty damn funny), even if it 
> was overheated.  I am not exempting myself, since all the old-timers 
> know I am about as far from delicate flower as can be imagined.

On the contrary Joseph. I have always found you to be the most
delicately odiferous of flowers.

Eric Engelhard

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