[vox] [fwd] The Death of Linuxworld

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sun Aug 16 14:31:51 PDT 2009

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 11:50:15AM -0700, Joseph Arruda wrote:
> Actually, Linux will survive just fine as long as someone needs it for 
> something.

Linux (free & open source in general) is like pizza.  Even if XYZ company
goes under (be it Red Hat or Roundtable, or Debian or Village Bakery),
the source code / recipe is still there.  All you need is a computer
or ingredients and an oven.

Worst version of my pizza/linux analogy ever. Sorry. :) I'm technically
on vacation right now, and shouldn't be on the laptop. ;)


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