[vox] Urgent! Re: Can someone present GP2X talk?

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed Aug 12 16:46:49 PDT 2009

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 11:47:41AM -0700, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> So, I'm all ready for my GP2X talk this Monday, but I'll _probably_ be
> out of town.  (Last minute plans to visit family.)
> I've got some slides whipped up, and some games and a sample video
> installed on the SD card in the GP2X.  In the likely even that I won't
> be back in town by the time the meeting starts at 7pm on Monday, would
> someone out here be willing to do the demo for me?

So?  Any takers?

The event got published in the Enterprise today, and Dr. Andy wants me
to call in and be on his show this afternoon at 5:45pm.

Can someone run through my slides and demo a few things with my GP2X at
Monday's meeting, in the highly-likely event that I'm not there to do it?

Thanks, and sorry! :(


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