[vox] Yesterday's "Alice" meeting

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Tue Apr 21 20:08:41 PDT 2009

Great meeting yesterday!  We had a bunch of first-time visitors, including
a high school student from Sacramento (and he and his mom joined us at
Crepeville afterwards) and a family of four who learned about the meeting
from a flyer at Common Grounds or Mishka's yesterday.

I just uploaded a bunch of photos from the meeting:


Cameron's slides, and a copy of the promotional video he played
(originally from alice.org) are available,a s well:


And finally, minutes from the meeting's club business part are
also available:


Enjoy and see you a bunch of you at the social on May 5th![*]

root at lugod.org
Linux Users' Group of Davis

[*] Assuming I'm out of Jury Duty by then!

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