[vox] Lugod Website Proposal

Nick Schmalenberger nick at schmalenberger.us
Mon Sep 8 10:21:43 PDT 2008

On Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 10:03:58AM -0700, Scott Miller wrote:
> MediaWiki would be cool as an add on, and would be painless to set up.
> Or as Alex mentions it is possible to only have a CMS for a few pages
> and make it appear seemless to the existing site. UC Davis does this,
> as some ucdavis.edu pages are Plone and others hand coded but you
> cannot tell them apart(!)
> scott
If I'm not mistaken, mediawiki and many CMSs require a database
which our server doesn't necessarily have, and if it does would
probably require some setup (create the database and database
user...) that we probably can't do. So I wouldn't say this is
painless. I think Bill has already made some parts of updating
the site automatic so maybe he could just write up how it works
and certain other people would have ssh access as mentioned?

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