[vox] Lugod Website Proposal

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Mon Sep 8 10:16:25 PDT 2008

On Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 10:03:58AM -0700, Scott Miller wrote:
> MediaWiki would be cool as an add on, and would be painless to set up.
> Or as Alex mentions it is possible to only have a CMS for a few pages
> and make it appear seemless to the existing site. UC Davis does this,
> as some ucdavis.edu pages are Plone and others hand coded but you
> cannot tell them apart(!)

That's what I'm looking for!  Cool. :)

So leave the rest of the site (all the old crusty archival stuff that's
good to keep around) as-is, but make a few key pages 'Edit'-able.

Nifty!  I look forward to discussing this.


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