[vox] Tonight- Join VOIP BALUG conference online, OpenMoko Neo Phone topic

john_re john_re at fastmail.us
Tue Nov 18 20:04:54 PST 2008

You might want to listen in live to the BALUG.org meeting for the next
hour or so.

We are working now on the first ever VOIP conference for a BALUG

You can listen in two ways:
1) using a VOIP phone like Ekiga from your computer over the internet,
2) by dialing into the voip server with a regular phone
   there is no cost for the server.  
   If you have free calling to 605 area code you can connect for free

Join us on IRC freenode.net #BALUG for the full details.

The speaker will likely talk for about 1 hour, beginning about 8PM or

This is a "first time, best efforts, experimetal basis, #1 learn
something, #2 maybe it will work" basis effort.

Hope you can join us in this next hour or so.

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