[vox] Laptop recommendation

Marianne Waage yamara at plush.org
Wed May 28 15:40:19 PDT 2008

We have mixed luck with Dell. It's reasonable to assume they'll be
around in 3 years, if you have a warranty and problems. However, 
with a desktop system, it has taken us probably 1 or 1.5 months to
get everything fixed with it. It has been amazingly frustrating.

However, desktops have "we'll send a technician to fix it" warranty
while laptops have "send it to us and we'll fix it" warranty. That
might make some difference in experience... Maybe.

We've had a few older problems resolved relatively quickly though.
It's hard to say how much is just bad luck.


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 01:28:43PM -0700, Carl Boettiger wrote:
> While I'm sure that Dell will be a solid buy, my reason for going to a
> smaller company was precisely to get better support, a conviction I
> got from reading the views of other customers and which has proven
> true for me.
> On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Bill Kendrick <nbs at sonic.net> wrote:
> > On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 11:48:29AM -0700, jim wrote:
> >> more bang important per the little bit of
> >> bucks and possible hassles of transit and
> >> long-range support.
> >
> > Well, honestly, my wife Melissa also encouraged me to pick
> > a big company I know I can get support from, versus a small one.
> > ... considering the importance of the purchase. :)

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