[vox] [fwd] SVLUG General Meeting, July 2nd; Javier Cardona on Mesh Networking Services

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu Jun 26 17:30:58 PDT 2008

----- Forwarded message from Mark Weisler -----

Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 17:27:21 -0700
From: Mark Weisler
Subject: [svlug-announce] SVLUG General Meeting, July 2nd;
	Javier Cardona on Mesh Networking Services

Join the Silicon Valley Linux Users Group (SVLUG) this coming Wednesday to 
learn about mesh networking services.

   Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

open80211s: mesh networking services at the MAC layer.

Javier Cardona, CEO of cosybit 
IEEE Task Group S is currently defining a new 802.11 amendment to provide mesh 
networking services at the MAC layer. open80211s is an open-source 
implementation of this emerging standard, supported in the mainline kernel 
since 2.6.26. This talk will provide an overview of the mesh networking 
protocol, implementation details, capabilities, limitations, and future 
improvements. The second half of the presentation will include a hands on 
tutorial on how to use the mesh on common laptops. Note: Attendees are 
requested to please bring their Linux laptops with wireless chipsets 
compatible with the Zydas zd1211rw or Broadcom b43 drivers, to participate in 
a demo of open80211s mesh networking.

Please see the svlug.org Web site for links that may be helpful if you plan to 
bring your laptop to the meeting for the tutorial. (Go to the main svlug.org 
site, click on General Meeting, and you will find helpful links 1,2, and 3.)


 Javier Cardona is the CEO of cozybit, Inc., an engineering consulting firm in 
the field of wireless communications. Javier co-founded the company in 2004 
to create a place where Linux engineers could fully develop their technical 
abilities and have a life too. Thanks to cozybit, a large number of 
electronic devices, from children's laptops to digital pens, can talk to each 
other. Prior to that, Javier developed embedded software for over ten years, 
in France, US, UK, and Switzerland, for a wide range of applications, from 
industrial safety to wireless networking. Javier holds a Telecommunications 
Engineer degree from UPC, and a Master of Engineering from Alari, 

Not this month.


   Symantec  (formerly Veritas Software Corp.)
   VCAFE Facility
   350 Ellis Street  (near E. Middlefield Road)
   Mountain View, CA 94043

   Directions on how to get there are listed at:

   We've tried our very best for these directions to be accurate.
   If you have any improvements to make, please let SVLUG's volunteers know!
   webmaster {at} svlug -dot- org

   None planned.


   If you just can't get enough, a smaller group usually goes to a local
   restaurant/diner after the meeting.  We'll announce the restaurant
   selection at the meeting.

   We look forward to seeing you there!
Mark Weisler 
PGP: 0x68E462B6  http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/ 
 A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
 Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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