[vox] [fwd] Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, January 25

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed Jan 30 20:18:02 PST 2008

Note: This is converted to text via links, using a new mutt hook Brian L.
pointed out recently.  Let me know if you find this less readable than the
plaintext that Marsee's emails include, and I can see about fwd'ing those

(Sick family at home, so no time to edit this down to only the most
LUGOD-related material. Sorry! :^(  )

----- Forwarded message from Marsee Henon -----

Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 13:31:49 -0800
From: "Marsee Henon"
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, January 25

                       O'Reilly.comUG Program Newsletter

   Hi there-

   viguy Just out this week is our new web site InsideRIA.com, an online
   community developed by O'Reilly and sponsored by Adobe Systems
   Incorporated. Our goal is to create an invaluable resource for information
   on the ever-changing state of design and development of rich Internet
   applications (RIAs).

   Live from Macworld, Lorene Romero of the North Coast Mac Users Group wants
   cutting and pasting on an iPhone in this "Missing Features" video post.

   Here are more "Missing Features" videos including David Pogue and Derrick

   Headed to SDWest? Make sure you stop by the O'Reilly booth and say hi.
   Free Expo passes are available for the upcoming Southwest Developer
   Conference & Expo (West). Register at http://www.sdexpo.com with the
   priority code 8WEXH81 by February 27 to get a free expo pass good for
   admission to the expo floor, all keynote presentations, the opening floor
   party, the Developer Bowl, and more.

   Are you attending PyCon in Chicago in March? I'm going to be at the
   O'Reilly booth in the expo hall. Let me know if you're going to be around.
   Registration just opened http://us.pycon.org/2008/about/.


   P.S. If you haven't already, check out the O'Reilly bookstore on Amazon.


   In this issue:

     * New Releases
     * Upcoming Events
     * Conference News
     * School of Technology
     * News from O'Reilly & Beyond


   O'Reilly News for User Group Members
   January 25, 2008

   New Releases: Books, Short Cuts, and Rough Cuts

   Facebook: The Missing ManualGet 35% off from O'Reilly, No Starch,
   Paraglyph, PC Publishing, Pragmatic Bookshelf, Rocky Nook, SitePoint, or
   YoungJin books you purchase directly from O'Reilly. Just use code "DSUG"
   when ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938.

   Free ground shipping on orders of $29.95 or more. See details.

   Did you know you can request a free book or PDF to review for your group?
   Ask your group leader for more information.

   For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:

   New Releases: Books, Short Cuts, and Rough Cuts:

   Ajax: The Definitive Guide
   The Art & Science of JavaScript (SitePoint)
   Augmented Reality @ Home (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
   The Book of Wireless (No Starch)
   Building a Web 2.0 Portal with ASP.NET 3.5
   Facebook: The Missing Manual
   iPhoto '08: The Missing Manual
   Learning ActionScript 3.0
   Programming C# 3.0, Fifth Edition
   The Ruby Programming Language
   Visualizing Data
   Wikipedia: The Missing Manual

   MAKE Magazine Subscriptions

   makezine.comThe annual subscription price for four issues is $34.95. When
   you subscribe with this link, you'll get a free issue--one plus four more
   for $34.95. So subscribe for yourself or friends with this great offer for
   UG Members: five volumes for the cost of four.

   Subscribe at: http://www.makezine.com/go/ugsub

   Craft Magazine Subscriptions

   craftzine.com The annual subscription price for four issues is $34.95.
   When you subscribe with this link, you'll get a free issue--one plus four
   more for $34.95. So subscribe for yourself or friends with this great
   offer for charter subscribers: five volumes for the cost of four.

   Subscribe at: http://www.craftzine.com/go/craftug


   Upcoming Events

   For more events, please see: events.oreilly.com

   Feb 6-7, 2008                                                              
   Waldorf Astoria                                                            
   New York City, New York                                                    
   The inaugural O'Reilly Money:Tech conference will raise the level of       
   conversation around technology advances in the investment industry,        
   bringing together innovators with established players to increase adoption 
   and awareness and push the technology forward.                             

   Dru Lavigne and Allison Randal Speak at Southern California Linux Expo     
   Feb 8-10, 2008                                                             
   Westin Los Angeles Airport                                                 
   Los Angeles, CA                                                            
   Authors Dru Lavigne (BSD Hacks) and Allison Randal (Perl 6 & Parrot        
   Essentials) will be speaking at the Southern California Linux Expo from    
   February 8-10, 2008. Located in Los Angeles, the conference draws many     
   qualified speakers and exhibitors, and Dru & Alison will be speaking as    
   part of the Women in Open Source Track.                                    

   Tools of Change for Publishing Conference (TOC)                            
   Feb 11-13, 2008                                                            
   New York City, New York                                                    
   The Tools of Change for Publishing (TOC) Conference explores how           
   technology is influencing the future of publishing, sparking creativity    
   and inspiring conversation for leading change in the industry.             


   Conference News

   O'Reilly OSCON Conference OSCON 2008 Call for Participation
   July 21-25, 2008 in Portland, Oregon
   O'Reilly Media is seeking proposals from people in tune with the heartbeat
   of open source.
   O'Reilly  Ubuntu Live Conference Ubuntu Live 2008 Call for Participation
   July 21-22, 2008 in Portland, Oregon
   This is your opportunity to present your experiences of working with
   Ubuntu to a knowledgeable audience that is keen to learn more and
   O'Reilly GSP West Conference O'Reilly GSP West Conference
   March 3-4, 2008 in San Diego, CA
   This two-day conference presents a behind-the-scenes look at the business
   and technology of social networking platforms. With MySpace, Facebook, and
   Flickr attracting millions of visitors each day, the implications for
   business, marketing, and software developers are enormous.
   Use code "gspw08usrg" when you register, and receive 15% off the early
   registration price. Click here to register for the conference.
   O'Reilly Register for O'Reilly Money:Tech Conference Register for O'Reilly
   Money:Tech Conference
   February 6-7, 2008 in New York, NY
   Your key to hacking Wall Street, giving you new data, new tools, and new
   approaches to money and investing.
   Use code "mt08usgr" when you register, and receive 15% off the early
   registration price. Click here to register for the conference.
   O'Reilly Web Expo SF Conference Web Expo SF Registration is Open
   April 22-25, 2008 in San Francisco, CA
   A companion event to the Web 2.0 Summit, Web 2.0 Expo is an expanded,
   inclusive gathering for the technology and business communities through a
   combined conference and trade show.
   Use code "websf08ug" when you register, and receive 15% off the early
   registration price. Click here to register for the conference.
   O'Reilly ETech Conference Registration for ETech is now open
   March 3-6, 2008 in San Diego, CA
   Body hacking. DIY spectrum. Crowd visualization. Sensor games. ETech 2008
   will explore the tech that's influencing how we're seen as individuals and
   what affects our perception of the world around us.
   Use code "et08usrg" when you register, and receive 15% off the early
   registration price. Click here to register for the conference.
   O'Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing Conference Registration for TOC is
   now open
   February 11-13, 2008 in New York, NY
   Technology is transforming publishing. Are you ready for the future? This
   conference is a must attend event for anyone interested in shaping the
   future of the business of books.
   Use code "toc08usrg" when you register, and receive 15% off the early
   registration price. Click here to register for the conference.
   O'Reilly MySQL Conference MySQL Conference and Expo
   April 14-17, 2008 in Santa Clara, CA
   The largest gathering of MySQL developers, users, and DBAs worldwide, the
   event reflects MySQL's wide-ranging appeal and capabilities. The open
   atmosphere of the MySQL Conference & Expo helps IT professionals and
   community members to create the best database applications, tools, and
   software through expert instruction, hands-on tutorials, readily available
   MySQL developers, and guru business advice.
   Use code "mys08usrg" when you register, and receive 15% off the early
   registration price. Click here to register for the conference.


   O'Reilly School of Technology

   OST O'Reilly School of Technology Courses: UG Members Receive a 30%
   O'Reilly School of Technology has opened its virtual doors with
   educational offerings and certification for IT students looking to further
   their careers or to launch one. As an O'Reilly User Group member, you save
   on all the courses in the following University of Illinois Certificate

     * Linux/Unix System Administration
     * Web Programming
     * Open Source Programming
     * .NET Programming
     * Client-Side Web Programming featuring AJAX

   To redeem, use Promotion Code "ORALL1" good for a 30% discount, in Step #2
   of the enrollment process. Each course comes with a free O'Reilly book and
   a 7-day money-back guarantee. Register online.


   News from O'Reilly & Beyond

   UG News

   Call For Makers: Maker Faire Bay Area 2008--Entry deadline is March 12,
   Maker Faire flags
   Make Magazine is now accepting entries for the Maker Faire Bay Area, May 3
   and 4 at the San Mateo County Fairgrounds. Entries are due March 12, 2008.
   Space is limited, please submit your entry early! Maker Faire tryouts are
   February 17 at the Exploratorium in San Francisco noona** 4pm. Accepted
   entries will be notified by March 19. Entry form, tryout details, and more
   can be found online.

   PyCon registration opening soon--Looking for Python-related projects for
   Expo Hall
   For those projects working with or using Python, registration for PyCon is
   open. There was a record turnout for tutorial and talk proposals--this
   looks to be the best PyCon yet.

   If your project uses Python, now would be a great time to get involved.
   This year's PyCon will feature a two-day Expo Hall with free booths for
   non-profits and open source projects. Get in on the fun. If your group
   would like to participate in the Expo Hall, email
   pycon-sponsors at python.org for more information.

   Greg Wilson at Amazon
   Amazon features a Video of "Beautiful Code" Editor Greg Wilson giving a
   presentation at Amazon.

   JoltO'Reilly and Safari Books Online are JOLT Award Finalists
   Safari Books Online and O'Reilly Radar are two of the six finalists in Web
   Sites/Developer Networks category. Finalists in General Books category
   include, "The Myths of Innovation" and "Beautiful Code" (both in Safari
   Books Online) category and "Head First SQL" is finalist in technical books

   New Rough Cuts Community Features in Safari Books Online
   Safari recently upgraded our interactive publishing service, Rough Cuts
   manuscripts-in-progress, to include online community features such as
   comment viewing and posting. Available to Safari Library subscribers,
   Rough Cuts enables you to stay at the forefront of technology innovation
   and the ability to engage with peers and world-renown authors. Check out
   Rough Cuts today and start getting ahead.

   DIY O'Reilly Gear
   Create Your Own Calendar, Shirt, Notebook, Poster...In just three easy
   steps you can create one of a kind calendars, greeting cards, keychains,
   luggage tags, magnets, mousepads, mugs, notebooks, postcards, posters,
   shirts, hoodies, and stickers adorned with your favorite O'Reilly animals.



   camelHow to Tell Your Perl Story (at OSCON)
   Have you done something stunningly cool or staggeringly useful with Perl
   in the past year? Conference season will be here soon; it's time to
   consider giving a talk to your local monger group, a regional conference,
   or even OSCON. Perl track committee member brian d foy gives several
   guidelines to help you decide what to talk about and how to present it.

   Creating Games in Ruby
   Nearly every developer fosters a secret desire to create cool video games,
   but for most of us, the barriers to entry (knowing how to create
   performant graphics code) has kept us out of the game. But there are
   several toolkits for Ruby that can get you on your way without a Ph.D.

   Part 1:

   Part 2:

   Administering MySQL Using Flex
   Adobe's Flex offers a rich client-side user experience, but how do you use
   it to create practical applications. In this article, you'll see how to
   hook Flex up to a PHP backend to do some simple MySQL administration.

   Joe Schorr on Leopard & Apeture
   Derrick Story interviews Senior Product Manager Joe Schorr, on some of the
   most enticing and useful features for Aperture photographers.

   Less is More: Steve Jobs' Macworld 2008 Keynote Address
   Steve Jobs opened the Macworld surprise envelope at the 2008 keynote
   address and out slid a sleek notebook computer: the Macbook Air. Daniel
   Steinberg was on hand for the unveiling and files this report about all
   the new hardware, iPhone updates, and more.

   LILO and GRUB: Boot Loaders Made Simple
   LILO and Grub are the most popular Linux bootloaders. Usually, your Linux
   distribution chooses and configures one or the other for you, but this
   article provides a handy comparison of the two, and offers some
   troubleshooting and configuration tips if you ever want to do it by hand.

   The Art & Science of JavaScript
   In this tutorial, we'll look at a technique for using CSS and JavaScript
   to build a first-person-perspective maze, in homage to old-school
   adventure games like Dungeon Master and Doom.

   For more articles, go to: http://www.oreillynet.com/



   A Year in O'Reilly Books (2007) from Tim O'Reilly
   HF JavaScript: Learn Outside the Book
   Scott Kelby--Katrin's New Book is a Winner, and I Know Eight People I'm
   Sending a Copy to This Week
   Freaking Multitudes of .htaccess great balls of fire
   Windows Mobile Weekly Roundup
   TMTOWTDI -> The Right Way to Do It
   PhoneValet & iPhone: Instant Landline Voice Mail
   Thoughts on Firefox 3.0
   What Do You Want to Read from Head First Authors?
   Presents for Under Your Tree (for next year)

   For more blogs, go to: http://www.oreillynet.com/blogs/

   Until next time-
   Marsee Henon
               Spreading the knowledge of innovators.O'Reilly.com
   O'Reilly Media, Inc. 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472
   http://ug.oreilly.com/   http://ug.oreilly.com/creativemedia/

----- End forwarded message -----

bill at newbreedsoftware.com

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