[vox] Re: [vox-announce] Call for speakers for 2008 Linux Users' Group of Davis meetings

Wes Hardaker wjhns156 at hardakers.net
Fri Jan 4 07:28:10 PST 2008

>>>>> "BK" == Bill Kendrick <nbs at sonic.net> writes:

>> - mythtv        (recently installed)
>> - geocaching    (I started one of the software packages for linux)

BK> These two have already piqued folks' interests.  Would you be interested
BK> in giving either a full-length- or mini-presentation on either, or both
BK> of these?

Well, I think geocaching would probably be a full-length topic.  mythtv,
on the other-hand, is probably a shorter topic (or could be; you know
geeks: we can talk for hours on the proper usage of the "ls" command)

>> - Successful open source projects (I've had successes and failures)

BK> When you mention this, I think Sameer Verma over at SFSU might be interested
BK> in having you come by, since he teaches a class on OSS.  (I spoke to his
BK> students there one semester, about the Tux Paint project.)

BK> Thanks again, and let me know when you're available! :)

Thanks for the pointer.
"In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find."  -- Terry Pratchett

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