[vox] [fwd] Lugradio Live USA 2008 community conference in SF [April]

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Tue Feb 12 16:28:44 PST 2008

Seen on SF-LUG's list:

----- Forwarded message from chris procter -----

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 15:43:15 +0000 (GMT)
From: chris procter
Subject: [sf-lug] Lugradio Live USA 2008 community conference in SF


As you may or may not be aware, the very first LugRadio Live USA in
2008 is taking place at The Metreon in San Francisco on the 12th and
13th April 2008, and will provide the unique atmosphere of the UK
event, but in glorious San Francisco. LugRadio Live has developed a
strong reputation for providing a range of topics about free software,
Open Source, digital rights, technology and more, a compelling list of
speakers, exhibitors and birds of a feather sessions, and wrapping it
all in a unique, fun, loose, social and inclusive event, which is
often described as combining the atmosphere of a rock concert and a
computer conference.

At LugRadio Live USA 2008 we plan on bring this unique atmosphere to
the USA, and inviting around 30 speakers, over 20 exhibitors, an
eclectic range of BOF sessions, and plenty of additional sessions such
as our debate discussion panel, a showcase of five minute talks, tech
demos, and of course a live recording of LugRadio in front of an
audience. We expect around 500 - 700 attendees to the event.

LugRadio Live in the UK has developed a strong reputation for being
'the' community event in the UK, and we are looking to bring this to

Obviously as a community event we'd like the local Linux community
involved which means you! Take a look at
http://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/ for more details and if you fancy
speaking, or running a BOF session get in touch at show at lugradio.org

Alternatively if you just want to come along and enjoy the show we'd
love to see you there and there will be a pre-event party on the
Friday night and a main party on the Saturday night to which all
attendees are of course invited.

Chris Procter and the Lugradio Team.

----- End forwarded message -----

bill at newbreedsoftware.com

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