[vox] Re: Call for speakers for 2008 Linux Users' Group of Davis meetings

Wes Hardaker wjhns156 at hardakers.net
Mon Feb 11 14:59:19 PST 2008

>>>>> "BK" == Bill Kendrick <nbs at sonic.net> writes:

>> Ok, I'll bite on this one.  I can throw together a geocaching talk in
>> under a week without a problem, if that's an ok topic.

BK> Excellent, thanks!  Send me the details so I can post a summary on the
BK> site and send announcements to the usual places.

How about:

Title: GPS Waypoint Management Linux Tools and Geocaching 

Description: Wes will discuss using a GPS within Linux and some of the
tools that exist for managing waypoints an other GPS related
information.  He'll also talk about his own open-source "GeoQO" project
(www.geoqo.org), which is a general extensible waypoint database system
that specializes in management of Geocaching waypoints (an overview of
what Geocaching is will be given as well).  GeoQO has many powerful
features such as Google Earth "density" plot generation, automatic
language translation, a extensive scripting interface, and automatic
GUI-screen creation from its scripting interface.

"In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find."  -- Terry Pratchett

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