[vox] NEXT WEEK: PenLUG meeting 12/11/2008

Bill Ward bill at wards.net
Thu Dec 4 13:22:45 PST 2008

The Facebook event listing is now up at:

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:00 PM, <bill at wards.net> wrote:

>   +---------------------------------------------------------------+
>   |Date:    |Thursday, December 11th, 2008                        |
>   |---------+-----------------------------------------------------|
>   |Time:    |meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM, social/networking until 10 PM|
>   |---------+-----------------------------------------------------|
>   |         |Bayshore Technology Park                             |
>   |Location:|1300 Island Drive                                    |
>   |         |Redwood City, CA 94065                               |
>   |         |Suite 106 - Training Room                            |
>   |---------+-----------------------------------------------------|
>   |RSVP:    |Facebook: (coming soon)                              |
>   |         |or mail rsvp at penlug.org                              |
>   +---------------------------------------------------------------+
>  Xen: A View from the Trenches
>   This talk is a light overview of virtualization technologies with a more
>   in-depth look at Xen, given by and targeted towards the hands-on system
>   administrator. Topics will include:
>     * Virtualization and consolidation: Buzz aside, what are my choices for
>       consolidation, and what are the trade offs between the different
>       virtualization technologies, and consolidating without
> virtualization?
>     * Virtualization and server management: What tools does virtualization
>       enable that can make the sysadmin's job easier? What about
>       virtualization can make the sysadmin's job harder? How many of these
>       benefits can I get without shared storage? If I do have shared
>       storage, what added benefits can virtualization give me?
>     * Overview of the Xen hypervisor and device architecture: What does the
>       sysadmin need to know, and how to get good I/O performance out of a
>       virtualizedsystem?
>     * Protecting and fairly allocating resources: How to give people what
>       they are paying for? We will go over the sysadmin-level details of
>       fairly allocating RAM, CPU time, network bandwidth, and disk
>       bandwidth, in environments where users are not always cooperative,
> and
>       where some virtual servers should be allocated more resources than
>       others.
>  Luke S. Crawford
>   Luke Crawford has been working with Xen in a production environment since
>   late '05, renting virtual private servers to people from all over the
>   Internet at Prgmr.com.
>   He has also spent significant time with larger corporations, helping to
>   virtualized the corporate environment. Luke and Chris Takemura are
> nearing
>   completion of "The Book of Xen" to be published by no-starch press in
>   early 2009.
>  Although it is not required, we like to have an idea of how many
>  people to expect, so if possible please email rsvp at penlug.org if you
>  are planning to attend.
>  For information on getting to the meeting, please see:
>      http://maps.google.com/maps?q=1300+Island+Drive,+Redwood+City,+CA
>      http://www.penlug.org/twiki/bin/view/Home/DrivingDirectionsQualys
>      http://www.penlug.org/twiki/bin/view/Home/TransitDirectionsQualys
>  Traffic on 101 can be pretty bad in the evening, so we encourage you
>  to check traffic conditions before driving by dialing 5-1-1 on your
>  phone or visiting www.511.org, and if possible to take public transit
>  (best bet: bicycle via Caltrain) or carpool to this meeting.
>  See www.penlug.org for more information.
> This notice is being sent to the following mailing lists:
>        members at penlug.org
>        announce at penlug.org
>        sf-lug at linuxmafia.com
>        balug-talk at lists.balug.org
>        svlug at lists.svlug.org
>        svevents at yahoogroups.com
>        vox at lists.lugod.org
>  Please reply to suggest any additions or other changes.
> _______________________________________________
> vox mailing list
> vox at lists.lugod.org
> http://lists.lugod.org/mailman/listinfo/vox
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