[vox] [fwd] ssh "attacks" - distributed slow scans - not exactly "news", but?for the curious ...

Wes Hardaker wjhns156 at hardakers.net
Thu Dec 4 07:33:40 PST 2008

>>>>> On Wed, 3 Dec 2008 11:37:10 -0800, "Scott Miller" <scottlinux at gmail.com> said:

SM> What are your thoughts on using /etc/hosts.deny to block ssh access
SM> from entire geographical regions? I ran across this post which is very
SM> curious:

SM> http://nukecops.com/postp172318.html#172318

Personally, I can't do that as I do have public facing web pages and DNS
services that I can't let be blocked...  Otherwise, if that's your only
public facing service then go ahead!  Just make sure you don't visit
those regions someday on vacation and forget to turn it off again ;-)
"In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find."  -- Terry Pratchett

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