[vox] Flyer for "Google Summer of Code" presentation (Oct. 15 meeting)

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sun Sep 30 19:51:14 PDT 2007

I've created a flyer for October's general meeting, Monday, October 15th:
"Google Summer of Code." ( http://www.lugod.org/meeting/upcoming/#2007.10.15 )

I made 50 b/w photocopies on various colors of paper, and posted a few
around downtown Davis this evening.  I'm giving the remaining stack to
Henry House to distribute at this Tuesday's social gathering, for people
to post at their work, laundromat, around campus, etc.

The flyer (full-color) is also available as a large PDF on the LUGOD website,
for people who'd like to print their own copies:


Thanks and enjoy!

pr at lugod.org
Linux Users' Group of Davis

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